19,310 Deaths   ·   91,037 Hospitalizations   ·   120,119 Urgent Care   ·   201,837 Doctor Office Visits   ·   2,556 Anaphylaxis   ·   6,415 Bell's Palsy   ·   2,075 Miscarriages   ·   9,555 Heart Attacks   ·   28,897 Myocarditis   ·   18,912 Permanently Disabled   ·   9,372 Thrombocytopenia   ·   15,537 Life Threatening   ·   37,007 Severe Allergic Reaction   ·   8,269 Shingles   ·   5,347 Myocarditis/Pericarditis   ·   3,742 Thrombocytopenia/Low Platelet   ·     ·  
19,310 Deaths   ·   91,037 Hospitalizations   ·   120,119 Urgent Care   ·   201,837 Doctor Office Visits   ·   2,556 Anaphylaxis   ·   6,415 Bell's Palsy   ·   2,075 Miscarriages   ·   9,555 Heart Attacks   ·   28,897 Myocarditis   ·   18,912 Permanently Disabled   ·   9,372 Thrombocytopenia   ·   15,537 Life Threatening   ·   37,007 Severe Allergic Reaction   ·   8,269 Shingles   ·   5,347 Myocarditis/Pericarditis   ·   3,742 Thrombocytopenia/Low Platelet   ·     ·  

Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay Explains DNA Contamination in Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Vials

Jun 1, 2023 | COVID mRNA Vaccines

My name is Janci Chunn Lindsay. I’m a toxicologist and a molecular biologist with over 30 years of scientific experience, including vaccine development experience. Molecular biology is the study of DNA, RNA, and proteins, and I have a doctorate level degree in this. I appreciate you’re allowing me to speak on the urgent issue of the contamination of the COVID mRNA genetic vaccines. 3 separate labs across the globe have now found that the mRNA vaccines, both Pfizer and Moderna are heavily contaminated with the DNA plasmids used to create the shots in large volume.

The contamination was found in every vial tested of 8 files by genomicist Kevin McKernan, both the monovalent shots and the boosters. The contaminating DNA plasmas are designed to infect E. Coli in which they are grown in large volumes. They are supposed to be separated away from the shot and the code that’s injected into you as their presence introduces DNA that is not allowed in the shots and which increases the risk of genomic integration, and anaphylaxis. In Pfizer vaccines, these DNA plasmids are found to be present at up to 1 third of the shot material, so this is not a slight contamination in the least.

These DNA plasmids can infect the E. coli in your gut and make your gut a perpetual spike factory. They also have a human promoter from the SV40, virus. Those of us who are old enough to have received the polio vaccine, you’ll remember that Some of those vaccines were contaminated with the SV40, virus. This is a cancer causing promoter that allows these plasmids to also infect our human cells. The promoter also has a localization signal that allows it to go to the nucleus of cells, making it more likely that there will be a genomic integration event from these shots.

This most often results in cancers in various forms. An additional serious issue with the plasmid contamination is that they carry 2 antibiotic resistant genes to kanamycin and neomycin. These are 2 major antibiotics that we use in medicine today.

Kanamycin is used to treat tuberculosis, and neomycin is a broad spectrum antifungal that most of us use in triple antibiotic. These are used in hospitals all over the country today, and we have many immigrants coming across our border border that are carrying tuberculosis. The potential consequence of this is that anybody injected with these contaminated shots could become antibiotic resistant into those 2 major classes of antibiotic of antibiotics. The potential consequence of these plasmids being injected into billions of people carrying these genes is that they can also be shed. As workers in Seattle showed, there were lab workers working with COVID in Seattle that became contaminated with the plasmids that they were working with.

The plasmids infected their nasal cavities. They took these plasmids home and shed them to their family members. They were found because the lab workers remained positive for COVID for several months, and they couldn’t figure out why they kept testing positive for COVID. It was because they were carrying these plasmids in their nasal cavities, and they did pass them on to their family members. This is a very, very serious matter and has been brought up to the FDA and CDC seized several months ago, but they have not responded in any manner at all.

Typically, this type of contamination would get the shots pulled off of the market immediately. We have seen an egregious number of deaths and disabilities that Laura discussed and and some of my colleagues will further discuss. We are up to over 35,000 deaths in the CDC VAERS system. These may be in part due to this contamination. This could also be an explanation for why the spike proteins and the mRNA have been found so far out from Foundation, what some people are calling long COVID, and found in tissues of the brain and the testes many months out from inoculation.

MRNA is already being proposed to be used in cattle and has been used in swine since 2018 without our knowledge and without our permission. Historically, the genetic vaccines and the gene therapy had never been brought to market because of the severe adverse effects, including multiple cancers and lethal autoimmune reactions. These issues had not been resolved when they rolled out this genetic vaccine platform to billions of people. I know as a molecular biologist that had not been resolved. We are asking for an immediate call recall of these vaccines due to these significant dangers.

The contamination of the shots and the adulteration of the shots, including the degradation of the mRNA, which has also a generational risk they pose to others through shedding and being passed on through the germ line to the next generation as inadvertent gene transfer. We are asking The entire platform be banned in food, agriculture, and especially for human use until further research can be done.